The first leg of the tour is done. I’m reflecting on it as I take some time to find out what God says is next.
Ashley said something while we were on the tour that keeps rolling around in my brain. She said, “Teri, this isn’t about doing a ministry, this is about being a lifestyle. The Kingdom dreams lifestyle. Living out what God is calling me to do every day. I wouldn’t want to live any other way. There is no other way to live…really live.”
Emy said, “We’re taught to work hard to get stuff so that we can live life. But we stop and realize we lose life in the process. There is more and I’m getting a chance to live it.”
Leah said, “Mom, I don’t want to waste anymore time living for anything else but what God wants right here, right now.”
These young women were traveling in a car with a broken air conditioner in 95+ degree weather, they shared a small tent that barely fit all three of them, lived out of a backpack, got lost, ate whatever can fit into a cooler, battled bugs, showered in campground showers, and poured themselves out to love on each other and others.
Their lives have changed, their hearts have come alive to a deeper purpose than their own comfort, in 6 weeks on the road.
Kingdom Dreams is not the dream of of these young women. They have other dreams stirring in their hearts. They went along to serve my dream. What they found is the Kingdom dreams lifestyle IS their dream. It’s not about doing ministry, it’s about living a lifestyle. A lifestyle that says, “Lord, whatever, whenever, however as You will in my life, right here and right now.”
What’s your dream? Is it about doing ministry or about living a lifestyle?