It happened this week. I crashed into the wall of my human capability – and more than once. At least four times this week I can specifically remember saying to myself, “I cannot do this! I need to quit ’cause I can’t cut it!”
Can you say, “F*R*E*A*K O*U*T!?”
What’s interesting about hitting the wall at light speed with no air bag (well technically it is pretty interesting finding yourself laid flat on your back with your body sprawled all kinds of interesting directions – but that’s not what I’m talking about), what’s interesting to learn is after the crash and burn that God truly does have you covered.
Huh. Who would have thought? God is actually true to His word.
So, I’ve crashed and burned on the floor, looking at the weird angles my legs were making, and God shows up to offer grace, mercy, and an arm I can push against as I get up from the floor.
Know what? He never intended us to be able to do all that He asks of us. That’s kind of the point. He pushes us beyond our capacity, if we let Him, and then comes through so He can be glorified.
Yeah, I know. I’ve already said that before. I know I should already know that and shouldn’t have to be reminded. But, I must be a slow learner.
These are actually my life verses:
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
This week I was pushed beyond my capacity so that I got a front row seat to see this in action. God is quite amazing!
Will you let God take you beyond what you are capable of doing so that He can do something far more abundant?