Yesterday, I celebrated the year anniversary of landing in Georgia.
It was impractical because I wasn’t sure where I would land. Yet, I was compelled.
It was risky because I left without a contingency plan. Yet, I was compelled.
It was insane because I left with no real plan at all. Yet, I was compelled.
And I’m still alive. In fact, I feel more alive than ever before.
Has it been hard? Yep.
Has it been wonderful? For sure.
Has it had miraculous moments? Absolutely.
Have I met wonderful people? Incredible people!
Would I do it again? Without a doubt. This time, however, I’d leave the “this-is-insane-it-will-never-work-you-can’t-do-it-you-will-never-get-it-right-what-are-you-thinking” voices that raged in my head back in Iowa.
I’m really living a dream. It’s hard, it’s wonderful, it’s wacky, it’s an adventure.
What adventure would you live if you left the voices that try to give you all the reasons why not to live an adventure behind?
One year already!?! Wow. That is awesome. Congratulations, you are impacting peoples lives even more than you know!
I caught the story of the wallet today and loved it, btw!