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What is Your Dream?

I’ve heard some people are
calling 2011, “The Year of the Dream”.
They’re not talking about
sleepy time dreams. They’re not
talking about dreams for more success or wealth. Nor are they talking dreams of becoming the next American Idol, Biggest Loser, or 15 minutes of fame.
They are talking about
dreams God places within us that compel us to engage in God’s Kingdom
Ooohhhh. I just got shivers….

I received an email from a friend of
mine who is getting the pulse of this.
She and her family have a dream that compels them this year. She said:
“Our Vision: to take the word of God to all- wherever God sends
us. To follow Him, wherever he leads us. To teach the next generation the Love
of Christ. Our Dream: that we be Christ’s hands & feet & others meet
Christ & come into a relationship with him. Our Pursuit: Give it all to God
& follow him step by step as he gives us each step along the way. We are
following as God requests.”
What is your dream? What is not okay in this world that
breaks your heart? I mean really
breaks you down? This “thing” might
even wake you up at night in cold sweats because you know it’s going on in the
Dreams look as
different as people do.

I have a friend
who is involved in helping refugees from Sudan get moved, set-up, and
engaged in her community.

Another friend
is building a Christ-based financial counseling ministry.

One friend is
beginning to teach young girls how precious they are to God and what it looks like
to live a life of purity.
I just got an
email from someone who feels she is being called to spiritual counseling to
help people heal as she points them to the Great Physician.

Another of my
friends is being called to plant churches.

Another one of
my dear friends is at the place in her life where she is willing and open to
God leading her deeper into her dream.

I know of a team who is headed to Kenya this summer to help save a village.
Another young woman wants to get eye glasses to people who don’t
have them.
· One couple
is opening their home to invite young adults to come live with them so they can
model Jesus’ example of discipleship.
Still others are
being called to India to simply walk around and be Christ.
My dream is to see others
living out their Kingdom Dreams – a dream guide.
To be continued… (don’t you
hate that?)