I’ve been up til the wee hours of the morning watching a boat load of Doctor Who episodes lately. I’m hooked. I’m officially a Whovian all over again.
I’ve also been saying a lot of good-bye’s lately.
I’ve been helping pack up all the stuff in my mom and dad’s house. It’s all gone now.
Good-bye stuff…
I had to say good-bye to my beloved dog, Abner. He can’t go on the road with me. He went to my brother back to Minnesota to hang out with his family. He’s happy and well tended.
Good-bye o’boy (although I do get to visit)…
Next came something something very dear and very important. A dream that I once had. I had to bury it this week too.
Good-bye dream…
Yesterday, I held my mom and dad’s cat as they euthanized it. She was 15 years old and in failing health.
Good-bye Missy…
Today I say “good-bye” to the house that I grew up in. I’ve been walking around all morning looking at empty walls.
There is sadness in good-bye. There have been a lot of tears.
Yet, there is also hope in letting go. When you let go of something, it leaves you available to hold on to something else.
It’s my choice. I can choose what I want to cleave to. I can cling to the loss I feel and be bitter about the having to leave the past behind. Or I can choose to be grateful for the beautiful memories I keep and embrace the adventure that lies ahead.
Doctor Who has to say a lot of good-byes as he goes galavanting across time and space. It is sad.
He also gets to say a lot of hello’s.
It’s one of my favorite lines of his – “Hello.” (spoken in a proper Brittish accent with the intonation that makes you intrigued about this new friend.)
So, I wonder what adventure lies around that next bend in the road.
Thinking of you, Teri. I am so thankful for your heart and passion. The World says Hello back; where do you want to go? You can do it and you will make a difference.