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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions

How it Starts

I’m still reeling from how the little girl with a hole in her throat has affected me. God is transforming my heart through this story and the ramifications are rocking my world.   She is affecting just about everything. I…

It’s Happening Again

It’s happening again…the same insecurities revisiting me…those terrible voices that say things to undermine who I am, my worth, my ability to love and be loved. I hate them.   Being so far out on a limb like I am…

Comfort vs. Comfortable

This morning I’ve been mulling over the idea of comfort vs. comfortable. I’ve thought about it many times as my life has been pretty uncomfortable in the last few years. I had this notion that if I was a “good”…


Just got done with two and a half days at the “Stirred” conference here in Gainesville. Wow. Seth Barnes opened up the conference Thursday night talking about the differences in our lives from being spiritually stagnant, stirred, shaken to our…

Restless Peace

Restless peace is that place when you feel something big coming…  You know God wants you to take part in it, He’s made some promises to you about what “IT” might look like.  Yet, He’s not opened the doors for…

Cycle on a Hill

Yesterday, I felt led to Psalm 24: 1The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; 2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. 3 Who…

About Me

10 years ago, I felt God calling me away from my corporate career.  I wasn’t sure WHAT He was calling me to do – I just knew He was asking me to leave my comfort zone.  That’s when this great…