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The Frustration in Finding “It”

 We’re talking about dreams –
Kingdom Dreams – something God
places in you that compels you to pursue Him and His Kingdom. I think it’s the “it” all humans pursue and waste a lot of effort looking for “it” in other places.
I’ve spent my whole life on the quest for “it”.   Haven’t you too in some capacity?  I mean, isn’t “it” what most of us are trying to find? 
SO, where do we start to find “it”?     
For most of us it typically starts with realizing what “it” ISN’T.  It’s a process of elimination thing.   We try something and realize it wasn’t exactly “it”, so we try something else. We keep eliminating fake “its” as we go along our journey until we hit something that really, really frustrates us.  When that happens, we know that “it” is not very far away.  
You mean the quest for “it” will lead to FRUSTRATION?  Yep.  
Just as
necessity is the mother of invention, most dreams are born out of a deep
What frustrates you because
it’s happening, not happening, or isn’t being done well enough for you?  A gap that just sticks out to you like a 6′ 8″ jockey at the horse races.  
For me, I remember stomping my foot and crying shamelessly because I felt all alone in my quest for “it”. That was when I realized the “gap” in dream guides to help hapless dreamers find their way.
I talked with a young woman recently that struggled through her youth with sex, drugs, and alcohol because
she never really understood how much God loves her. She never felt like she measured up so she thought, “why not sin all the more?” As an adult now she is compelled to
reach out to young girls and love on them in such ways so they see, feel, and
experience the love that Jesus has for them before they make the choices she
What  frustrates you
much that when you see the consequences of life without “it” your heart breaks?
When you answer that
question – you are taking your first steps toward your Kingdom Dream.
Pray about this today. Ask God to reveal that thing that is
not okay in this world that is specific to you. Is it hungry kids?
The sex trade? No clean
drinking water? The
brokenhearted? Those lost in their
sin? Refugees? Single moms? The lost in the church? Injustices around the world? Is there a certain place in the world that captivates
you? Maybe Haiti? Maybe your neighborhood?
Maybe you want to help others launch
their dreams either with coaching, finding resources, or funding them?
What frustrates you?
You’ll probably find that
you have already done something about it in some way. Maybe you gave money to an organization that is already out
there. Maybe you find that you
serve in that direction at church.
Or maybe you subscribe to a blog that has “it” at their core.
Your dream isn’t as far from
you as you think.  Stay tuned….