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The Passion in Finding “It”

As frustrating as frustration is in finding “it” – passion can come out of our frustration.
Once you’ve spent some time finding out what “it” isn’t, you often find yourself running into that thing that frustrates us the most.  Often we run into it more than once.  
Some people run away from “it” at that point.  They do all that can to avoid running into that frustration again and go an entirely different route on their quest for “it”.  And if God is really gracious, they will run into the same frustration even on that different road.  
BUT, if you can walk through the frustration to find the root, you often find the “it” you’ve always longed to find.  
Stay with me…FOCUS…You don’t want to miss “it”.  
Stop and think for a minute.  What is your biggest pet peeve?  What is that thing people do that makes you the most angry?  What is “it” that is happening or not happening that really gets your blood pressure going??  
  • Because of the injustice?
  • Because it causes you to feel a certain way about yourself?
  • Because it makes you want to take a stand?  
Is there a passion somewhere down there, rolling around amidst the frustration?   
Maybe God is trying to reveal something to you about who you are and why He designed you the way He did?  Maybe that thing that drives you crazy is actually what leads you to your passionate purpose?  
What if you push past that frustration instead of trying to fix or avoid it?  Sometimes the most lovely dreams are found in the garbage heap of injustice, frustration, anger, and betrayal.  You just have to dig through the garbage to uncover them. 
Is this stirring anything in your heart? 
If I were you, I’d get passionate about seeking “it”.  
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7